Sunday, June 03, 2007

Pinoy Badminton Club of Singapore

Last May 26, 2007 at Clementi Sports Hall, I was so astonished to see the huge turnout of the badminton players that arrived during that Saturday afternoon. It all started with a single post in the forum, asking the moderator to dedicate a separate forum for badminton. Then everbody starts to support me and yes, the website granted our request. Well, then the rest is history......we initially started the Pinoy Badminton Club with 51 PLAYERS. I started a yahoo group and was able to registered 51 members. However, it was so fortunate that there were members in the group that is so committed and very enthusiastic about our objective.

Why I was so passionate on having a group like this?....Well my experience speaks itself. When I arrived here in Singapore, I was so homesick. It was like living daily in a deep water, I am always breathing heavily. The only thing I can think of to relieve what I am feeling is to play. I was a badminton fanatic, and the sport is the only way to make me feel better. And I understand how it this group will definitely cater to Pinoys who feel the same way.