Saturday, December 03, 2005

Win XP networking troubleshooting tips

Prob1: can ping public web sites but browser cannot display web pages
Reason: Possible DNS corruption or caching of negative DNS queries

1. Click on Start Menu, Click Run, type cmd
2. Type on DOS prompt "ipconfig /flushdns
3. Enter

If problem still persist, possible winsock dll corruption

1. Type on DOS prompt: "netsh winsock reset catalog"
2. Or you might want to reinstall it by typing "sfc /scannow" in the Run menu.
3. This will check the corrupted DLL and will restore it from XP CD installer.

Prob2: cannot ping even modem is connected
1. assuming cables are already checked and anti spyware is run.
2. Reinstall TCP IP
3. Click START, Click RUN and type cmd, then type at DOS prompt "netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt"
4. You have to set the IP again if it has a static IP.

See you on next having fever lately.


Anonymous said...

Prob1: can ping public web sites but browser cannot display web pages

it might also be that your preferred dns server is not working.

Speed said...

youre right tildemark, dns server may be one. i was thinking of the problems experienced by dsl subscribers most of the time. in fact spyware is also one possible cause.